Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Using the latest Internet technology, we allow two strangers to chat with each other anonymously. 2011, Networking is the key. Connecting with people in virtual world is what we all do. Everyone is a stranger until you become friends with them. Most people get stress with work or school and badly need to pass time. Sometimes, they get bored chatting face to face with friends too. So they switch to random video chatting with strangers. Chat roulette is the most common site to do so since it’s a web application which uses peer-to-peer connection.
Our recent assignment was to break away from the multimedia and online social services and talk to someone in person, a stranger face to face. I decided one day to ride the shuttle across campus to my next class instead of walking to class like I usually do.  It just so happened to be a rainy so the shuttle was packed, possibly making the ride less awkward being I had found the last seat next to this girl.  As I sat down I said hi and proceeded to talk about how shitty the weather was and how I didn’t want to be going to my classes.  She responded the same way and the conversation was flowing well, until her phone vibrated in her hand.  I felt that since I was a stranger she gave first priority to her electronic device and for the rest of the ride she was blowing up whoever was on the other side.  I would try to start the conversation again but every time I was interrupted by a more important text message. Before I knew it I had reached my stop, I stood up and said, “good bye was nice riding with you, have a great day,” and walked off the bus.
I felt that because I was a stranger even though she was sweet enough to have a conversation with a friendly stranger, she still had other priorities then talking with someone face to face. Maybe it was something she wasn’t used to or doesn’t normally do on a day to day basis.  For me, I felt like I had accomplished something new that I haven’t done for awhile and was connected for a bit with a human being not on a social site that I didn't know. Will I do it again? From now I made an agreement with myself to not make it an awkward moment when faced with having to share or sit next to a stranger and instead start up a conversation and network face to face rather than over online.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog 2

The way people interact with each other in today’s world is completely different over the computer then they do in real life and it has been seen all over the world with facebook, online dating services, and twitter. Personal conversations to people in today’s world can seem so uncomfortable because they are so used to their online personality. You can start and end a conversation whenever you want when you’re online compared to in real time. I feel that this is so true and many people would rather talk to a girl online then in person only making when they finally meet up to be so socially awkward. The way that people can meet and interact with people online break all the rules of past interactions back in the day when you actually had to go out to meet and socialize with people. Online chatting gives more space between conversations and makes it easier to be whoever you want to be and avoid the personal interaction that may sometimes be awkward for a person. As technology keeps advancing their finding more ways to make socializing over the net easier and more personal to do, thus almost creating a personal interaction yet on a screen or video. People tend to anthropomorphize their computers and blame them for things that happen in them. Say a conversation ends and the person signs off on them they will tend to talk to the computer thinking something is wrong instead of thinking that person just didn’t want to talk. We do this on a daily basis for everything we own whether it is the computer, car, TV or even an appliance being used. People today depend on technology and the advances that will come with it to operate their daily lives.

Blog 1

I chose this image because I am currently in my last year of my sports and leisure studies degree and felt that this picture depicts what my major is all about. I’m looking forward to working in the sports world after college and going on to managing my own training facility for sports. Sports have always been a big part of my life and my physical fitness as well. My free time involves a lot of time spent playing sports outside and enjoying them with great friends. I’m also very dedicated to working out and being in an athletic shape.
My online persona vs. my real life persona, I would have to say are the same people. I’m a very outgoing person and I feel that that comes across in real life and in my online life. My online persona is not fake because many people take your online persona to be who you are now a day before they even meet you in person, so by being myself in both worlds I feel that people would be able to understand who I am easier. Instead of acting like two different people making it harder for someone to understand or get to know me. In today’s world how people act online is the way that some people feel that person will act all the time, whether it’s true or not. People make judgments off of pictures, comments, or statuses all the time on face book and believe that that is how the person is. When in reality it could all be an act just to have more friends or to be someone their not. That’s why I feel like, why not be your true self no matter whether it’s online or in real life, why not make it easier for people to know the true you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Twitter is nothing like Facebook or other social networking sites that allows you to post pictures and information about yourself.  Twitter is more of a promotional advertising, and breaking news type of information sharing site.  It allows individuals to promote their likes and interests and allows them to follow news on famous people, friends, world leaders, or news channel for up to date information that may be important.  It allows anyone to be a journalist and to broadcast news by tweeting or re-tweeting other tweets that people share.

            Twitter provides easy, fast updates on worldwide events and happenings at the touch of a finger whether it is on a laptop or on a smart phone.  There is less information being shared about the person themselves and more about their interests and followers. Tweeting controls the amount of information being shared in a post to 140 words so this way it’s more of a breaking news report style presentation rather than paragraphs about an event. You are also able to use hyperlinks to link to a site that may have a full length article about the event for people to further read into and find more information. 
Twitter is simple and easy to use for all across the world and brings everyone together to hear breaking news.  Finding people to follow is a breeze, all you have to do is type their name in the search bar and you find their page.  Hash tags allow people to trend with others across the world and combine them into one page.  It connects people from different areas and shows them who else has that interest, like, or activity going on.  Twitter, is a public site that helps to promote and share, information, events, and celebrity news to everyone across the world at the touch of a button and follow.  It contains less junk and ads then facebook and provides a faster service to the online community.