Monday, October 24, 2011

Second Life

Getting started on Second Life at first was a little tricky and hard to comprehend. Figuring out if you wanted to make a human avatar or creature was a rough first start.  The second was trying to construct a look-a-like avatar, dressing and accessorizing it. Coming onto second life I wanted to stay true to who I am and create an image similar to that in the real world.  I wanted my identity in second life to match the one that I have here in the real world, I didn’t want to portray myself with something that I am not, so I tried to do the best I can with my human avatar to represent myself.
While fooling around with my human avatar and his looks, I felt as if I just had to learn the computer world all over again.  I was so lost in the beginning not knowing how to walk, talk, fly, or teleport to anywhere I wanted to go. I didn’t know where there was to go, what there was to do, or how to really interact with people.  It felt all new to me again and like I had to start over and take baby steps into the modern world. After playing around and learning the gimmicks to the second life world so that I would be able to move around, I dived right in and started up a conversation with a person. I realized that some people do take second life seriously, just as they would in their real life and in fact share and show the same information about themselves on their profiles.  I started to open up, spread out and talk to other people before our first meeting on second life to understand and grasp what second world was about.
I soon realized that people on second life interacted the same ways that people do in real life. That people with certain likes would hangout in certain areas, such as people that like to dance would be at the clubs and dance halls, people that like to swim at the pools, and so on.  After numerous hours of playing around meeting people, flying and teleporting to see various places, I now see that second life is very much so just like real life, but it allows people to start over or form a new identity for themselves and be anonymous. 

1 comment:

  1. Paul -- what concepts have we studied regarding identity that might be useful for analyzing the 2L experience? Multiphrenia, depaysement, virtual drag, etc. Keep trying to incorporate our class concepts into your posts.
